Episode #032: Drew Marconi

Navigating the Future of DTC Profit Optimization

Drew Marconi is the Co-Founder & CEO at Intelligems, a profit optimization platform built for ecommerce brands like OpenStore, Branch, Obvi, and many more. Before launching Intelligems, Drew served the VP of Marketplace Ops at Via where he built out their data analytics function.

In this episode, we dive deep into the value of coaching in personal and professional growth, transitioning from reactive to proactive communication, signing and closing million-dollar brands, and designing Intelligems’ GTM and demand gen content playbooks.

Find Episode 32 of the Turning Pro Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube!

The top 9 highlights from this week’s episode:

  1. If it’s not moving the needle forward, take it off your calendar. It’s important to guard your time and understand where to allocate it most efficiently. Some things can be handled with an email or a quick text, cancel the meeting if you can.

  1. Raise your own standards and your team will follow. It’s not just your good habits that build company culture, but your bad ones as well. Set high expectations through your own behavior and your team will rise to meet them.

  1. Qualification is crucial before a sales call. It’s important that you’re a good fit for each other. If you aren't, you can still help them if they ask, but don’t take on a client you don’t match with, it will make everything more difficult in the long run. 

  1. Keep your customers, investors, and friends in the loop. People like to be in the know. Communicating what’s happening within your brand builds rapport and makes people want to keep doing business with you. 

  1. Put yourself out there, especially as a founder. Whether it's a podcast, an interview, or a public event, letting people see you outside of your position makes you more relatable and greatly increases your reach.  

  1. Find the time to zoom out and get some perspective. The day-to-day work can be long and chaotic, and it’s easy to look past the progress you’ve made. It’s important to take the time to see the big picture of where you really are.

  1. Find opportunities to be proactive instead of reactive. A lot of things in life happen that are outside of our control, so we have no choice except reaction, but you need to find the time to detach and reflect as well. That calm, creative time is when ideas can flow and you can discover new ways to grow.  

  1. Be comfortable having uncomfortable conversations with yourself. It’s easy to fall into a routine and avoid self reflection, but you have to consistently examine your behavior and cut out the things that are holding you back.

  1. Know when to step back and let your team do their job. As a leader, sometimes it’s difficult to take yourself out of the situation. You may think you are being helpful, but when you’re involving yourself outside of your role, you may be doing more harm than good. 

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