Episode #033: Noah Tucker

Inside Social Snowball’s Insane Growth (2,000+ Brands)

Noah Tucker is the Founder & CEO at Social Snowball, an affiliate & referral marketing platform driving millions in revenue for over 2,000 brands like Solawave, Obvi, and Javy Coffee.

In this episode, we cover Noah’s journey scaling his company as a non-technical founder, challenges faced when starting a business solo, and the highs and lows of rapid growth.

Find Episode 33 of the Turning Pro Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube!

The top 11 highlights from this week’s episode:

  1. Accountability is all that matters. When you take full responsibility for what happens in your company, you feel a higher sense of pride in how it performs, and this feeling will give you the motivation to always be looking for ways to improve.

  2. If you lack experience, make up for it with determination. There are many situations where we may not feel we have the necessary experience to overcome a challenge, but be persistent in trying new strategies and eventually one will work.

  3. Use each failure as a lesson. Many people make the mistake of focusing on the fact that they failed, and not what caused them to fail. Instead, focus on why you weren’t successful and learn from it so you’ll be more prepared for next time.

  4. Find the time to take care of yourself. It’s hard to find a work-life balance, and some say you can’t really separate the two. To operate at 100%, you need some time to yourself, so make sure to set aside a reasonable amount just for you.

  5. Decide what’s important for you and delegate the rest. As a leader, it's easy to feel like you have to play a part in everything that happens. In reality, the team works best if everyone just does what’s most important for their particular role.

  6. If you see someone online 3 times, reach out. A good rule to follow is if you see someone in your space a few times, send them a message. These types of spontaneous, genuine interactions can lead to countless good opportunities down the line.

  7. Give value to get value. Whether it's sending a partner a few leads, referring a friend’s company to someone you’re working with, or just being positive to people in your life, it's always a good idea to put out what you’d like to receive in return.

  8. Take the time to recognize wins. As you grow, it's easy to get lost in the momentum and glance over big accomplishments. Making sure you put your progress in perspective helps you stay motivated when things get tough.

  9. It’s ok to be a little crazy. To rise above the level of average in anything you do, you have to be willing to do more than everyone else. Being comfortable with taking that next step may seem crazy to most people, but it’s necessary.

  10. Let your team feel your passion. As a leader, your energy can make or break group morale. If you always show up with 100% energy, even if you aren’t feeling the best, your team will always be fired up and ready to go.

  11. Don’t oversell. It’s important to have confidence in yourself, as a strong self-belief takes you far. But when it comes time to deliver, you have to set reasonable expectations. You can always over deliver, but you never want to oversell.

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