Episode #036: Jacklyn Dallas

Tactics to Scale YouTube to 200K+ Subscribers

Jacklyn Dallas is the Founder & CEO of NothingButTech, one of the fastest growing media companies in the world that focuses on consumer tech trends. As the platform’s audience has grown, Jacklyn has hosted 1-on-1 interviews with tech giants like Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

In this episode, we get an inside look at Jacklyn’s content workflow, how creators and founders can find their unique voices, and her personal tactics to blend creativity and entrepreneurship.

Find Episode 36 of the Turning Pro Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube

The top 10 highlights from this week’s episode:

  1. Use your uniqueness to your advantage. All of us have superpowers that make us who we are, and in a market where everything feels so copy-and-paste, being able to draw on your unique traits to stand out will be very beneficial to you. 

  2. If you see something, say something. Everyday there are countless opportunities in front of us. Even just giving a compliment without expecting anything in return can serendipitously turn into a new opportunity for you to pursue. 

  3. Don’t overthink posting content. When first starting out, it’s easy to think about all the ways it could go bad, but in reality people don’t care nearly as much as we may think they do. Just be authentic, consistent and confident, it’ll work out fine.

  4. Surround yourself with people who see your vision. When you’re locked in on a project late at night or talking about new ideas for your brand, you want your friends to be encouraging. Having a support system that understands your goals and wants to see you hit them will give you the energy to keep going even if it's hard.

  5. Stay consistent even when it gets hard. It is said that whenever you feel like everything is falling apart, you’re right around the corner from a big breakout.

  6. Let people feel your passion in everything you do. The level of energy people feel from you is directly related to how interested they are. If you’re flat and monotone, people won’t care, but if people can feel how much you love whatever it is you’re talking about, they’ll be more drawn in. 

  7. Realize the power of self-talk. The things that you tell yourself can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you keep saying you'll fail, chances are you will, but if you believe in your success, you're more likely to achieve it.

  8. Don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to. If a strategy or certain type of content is performing well in your niche, sometimes it's better to put your own unique spin on it than to try and make something new that you don’t know will work or not.

  9. Trade what you want now for what you want the most. Understanding the importance of delayed gratification and sacrificing what you want to do today for your goals will let you prioritize and start making progress.

  10. Maximize your time on the things you’re good at and delegate the rest. Don’t fall for the trap of feeling like you have to be involved in every aspect of your brand or company. Everything works better when you focus on your strengths and let others take care of the things you’re weaker at. 

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