Episode #037: Ryan Chen & Kent Yoshimura

The Journey from Mural to Neuro: Lessons in Resilience and Entrepreneurship

Ryan Chen and Kent Yoshimura are the innovative co-founders of NeuroGum, a wellness brand known for its brain-boosting nootropics. What started as a simple idea quickly turned into a successful global business, thanks to their determination and unique approach to wellness and entrepreneurship. Their journey, marked by significant personal and professional challenges, serves as an inspiring blueprint for aspiring entrepreneurs.

In this episode, Ben dives deep into their story - from overcoming a life-changing accident to navigating the ups and downs of building a brand. They discuss the importance of perspective, resilience, and the power of following your gut instincts. Tune in to hear their remarkable journey and gain insights that could transform your own entrepreneurial path.

Find Episode 37 of the Turning Pro Podcast on Apple , Spotify , or YouTube.

Top 10 Highlights from Episode #037:

  1. Sometimes, a change in perspective is all you need. Your perspective can either be a barrier or a bridge to new opportunities. When faced with challenges, viewing obstacles not as setbacks but as redirections can help you maintain momentum. This shift often reveals new solutions and pathways, transforming difficulties into catalysts for growth.

  1. You’ve got one life; live it. Embrace the idea that you only have one life to live. This mindset encourages you to explore new possibilities and step out of your comfort zone. Success often requires bold moves and confidently pursuing opportunities, even when the outcome is uncertain.

  1. Setbacks don’t have to hold you back. Every entrepreneur will encounter setbacks, but viewing them as temporary hurdles rather than permanent roadblocks is crucial. Resilience allows you to bounce back, adapt, and find new ways forward. Each challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger in your journey.

  1. Trust your instincts. Gut feelings often guide you toward decisions that align with your true passions and values. Trusting your instincts helps you stay authentic and focused on what truly matters. This intuitive decision-making can lead to more fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial opportunities.

  1. Success takes time and effort. Behind every “overnight success” is a story of years of hard work and perseverance. Success is rarely immediate; it requires dedication, patience, and continuous effort. Recognizing that building something meaningful takes time helps set realistic expectations and encourages long-term commitment.

  2. Embrace a multidisciplinary approach. High performers in various fields - in the arts, sports, or business - often share traits like discipline, creativity, and a strong work ethic. Drawing from diverse experiences and skill sets can provide unique insights and foster innovative solutions in your entrepreneurial journey.

  1. Align your business with your life. The most successful ventures often resonate deeply with the founder’s everyday life and passions. Building a business that integrates seamlessly with your personal interests and lifestyle ensures sustained motivation and a genuine connection to your work.

  1. Focus on what truly matters. Prioritizing the essential aspects of your business and ignoring distractions is crucial for sustained success. By concentrating your energy on what you love and what drives your business forward, you can achieve deeper focus and more significant results, leading to a more impactful and satisfying career.

  1. Time is money, and it is one of your most valuable resources. Assign a monetary value to your time and regularly evaluate how you spend it. This approach helps you identify inefficiencies and prioritize activities that contribute the most to your business, ensuring that your efforts always align with your highest goals.

  2. Hire people who are better than you. The people you choose to work with can greatly influence your success. Hiring individuals who are experts in their fields and who excel where you do not can significantly elevate your business. Building a team of talented and driven individuals creates a powerful support network that can drive collective

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